Pommern Regional Group

Welcome to our website!

PRG is an affiliate of the German Genealogy Society of Mn (GGS) and a partner organization with the Minnesota Genealogy Society (MGS) and the International Germanic Genealogy Partnership (IGGP).

International Germanic Genealogy

PRGMN is active in this partnership. We no longer have a page on our website explaining this group.
You will find a link in our menu that will take you to their site.

History of the Pommern Regional Group

How did we get started? When did we get started? Who runs this thing? Have you ever asked these questions? Even if you haven't, would you like to know the answers? The collaboration of three authors brought all of this together in a five-page document for your reading pleasure. We hope you enjoy reading what they have assembled. 

We are on Facebook Also

May 3
1:30 pm
Pommern Group Meeting
This is just a placeholder for the May Meeting.
August 2
1:30 pm
Pommern Group Meeting
This is a placeholder for our August Meeting
November 1
1:30 pm
Pommern Group Meeting
This is a placholder for our November Meeting.